
Grandmother Spider Hitches A Ride

" She weaves, creates and re-creates the web of life on the winds of change"  - OJO -

As I travel the roads of life  and explore the web of my soul the connections encountered are filled with lasting memories and smiles.  The people and places are ever changing and the net grows larger with each new day....some times there are rips, tears and holes that need mending, yet each time is an opportunity to re-create and begin anew to solidify the core.
The times of upheaval can arrive in gusts of uncontrolled winds and as we harvest the bounty of the season a remembrance of what has been swept away lingers in the air.  The essence of what was is the thread of what is and the thread of what is becomes the web of eternity.
Sometimes we are here to ride the winds as a hitch hiker and simply allow the journey to take us to an unkown destination. We can enjoy the scenery without a goal or plan and weave our destiny into the fabric of life.  
Just as Grandmother Spider we can create the web anywhere at anytime.  Our strength and perseverance to live as frree souls is found in every thread we spin. We are the power of the universe and within each of us is the knowledge of our ancestors to guide us through a collective experience in time and space. 
The time of knowing is now and the act of knowing is in being our own creators .....we spin our own web that connects us to the larger threads of the cosmos. In doing so we must also be able to ride the winds of change and start anew wherever we land. To be in each moment of creation reveals the purpose we have been gifted with on our journey....the essence of our soul is released into the stars.
So as Grandmother Spider weaves the universe into creation she may also jump on the winds of time to carry her through the stars of destiny as a hitch hiker of the universe.

Stick out your thumb and jump on for the ride of your life....live it with your face in the wind, the sun on your back and stars in your eyes!


Mirages On The Journey

"The illusions of our journey are only seen within the minds eye.....
our perceptions are what we believe them to be."  - OJO

Living in the wind.....what bliss it brings!  

On so many occasions I find myself completely absorbed in the moment of time and space while riding -  the sound of roaring pipes, the heat of the pavement and motor, the smells in the air, the feel of the wind on my skin, all put me into a trance of some sort. What is seen is unseen and what is unseen is seen in these moments of illusion.

Keeping my ass on the seat is not always easy and it takes a skillful rider to accommodate a passenger like me...my eyes are always looking for that perfect vision to capture and if it means standing up while on the highway so be it!  I want to be one with the wind and the birds and the earth that surrounds me, the feeling of this exhilaration often creates a madness in me...good madness of course...haha.  As the camera clicks shots of an unknown reality in the wind the most amazing sights are revealed later on and the mirages of the scenery come to life.

And just as the mirage of the road comes to form a tangible reality caught as an image, the mirage of what we live becomes a real force of our journey as seen from within the imagination.  At times all we need to do is think the thought and the reality jumps out in our face, like, Holy Shit Batman!!!! POW - BAM - WHACK, there it is for all to see!!! The illusion we thought we saw was just that, an apparition of the mind and as it turns out, it's exactly what we were seeing all along as a real concept.  Whether we saw it in the mind or in our sight it is truth to the soul. We created it's essence from within.

So, to believe what we see is not relevant, to see what we believe is!!!

Live your beliefs, live it in the wind and love your illusions....ride on!!!


Being A Seeker of Bliss

"Ride free on the winds of time - love hard from the centre of your heart - let the fire of your soul ignite passion in everything you do!"     - OJO -

As a seeker of bliss I sometimes have found that not all paths lead in this direction.  On the journey the quest of inner peace can be deceptive.  It's like an illusive butterfly that cannot be captured....the truth of containment does not exist. And as any winged creature - bird, insect or beast their nature cannot be caged. 

When a free soul has been contained in a world or lifetime of controlled environments and illusions of reality, there becomes a silence in their flight for creative freedom.  The serenity of the soul cries for the bliss of a life that is unsung.  This is the time of belief, and of rebellious cause.....to free the wings and ride the winds of time in complete trust that the wind will carry you as you soar in the true direction of your passion.  It is time to love with the hardness of a diamond and shine your truth in every direction.  Let the flames of desire consume you, knowing all is just as it is meant to be and release illusions of the mind!

In the wind we see the movement of creation - this is the simplicity of inner peace, to be One with creation.

Fly free, ride the wind and follow the blueprint of your soul!!!!

Follow the path of the majestic eagle...look to the clouds in the right!


Brother Bones & The Gypsy Queen

Well here we go into another turn on the path!

This is definitely one of those lean hard and low types of corners....where you feel the imminent sense that at any second the ground will swallow you whole. From this viewpoint the only thing to do is go harder!

This sums up so much of the intense energy and warrior-like tendencies in the air.  Many unexpected events are occurring rapidly....there is no time to take our eyes off the horizon line.

The Gypsy Queen hits the road once again.....

In a weekend my whole life went into a new dimension.....
As I travelled a piece of highway (that is one of the most familiar pieces of pavement in my life history) the car crammed with my belongings and my child size skeleton "Brother Bones" riding shotgun....I had to laugh and cry all the way.

The laughter was humour at the looks from other drivers and the tears were pure grievance!

What a crazy duality it was. 

The sadness of what could have been and the tears that followed for what never can be, were soul cleansing. The joy of new beginnings and the flutter in my heart somehow over rode the sadness as I drove along...wind in the hair and sun on my back.  

This was a blissful state to shift into.  The outcome of that 'lean hard and low' corner on the labyrinth of life was exhilarating. ...and a lesson in love and trust that I can never regret taking so hard!

Here comes the next stretch of open road.....bring it on!

Let's Ride Lovers!!!!


The Nectar of Love

" The Queen gently whispers to the Drone - 'The nectar of my honey, so sweet, so raw, so hot.....come to my hive and show me your skills.  It is time to close your eyes and feel the essence of pure love."  - OJO 

Ooh la la, who can feel it?  The uncontrolled aspect of that exhilerated moment you connect with another. It's fire & ice, and it leaves a groove on the soul the second you embrace.  There are some grooves that furrow a little deeper and faster than we anticipate and are so comfortable you would think they had always been there.  

This is a pure essence of passion and when it is there we cannot avoid it. Sometimes we need to harness this passion and be selective as the Queen Bee of the hive is.  The sweetness of her nectar can lure many, yet she only bonds with 
a few - she knows what she wants and maintains the strength and wisdom of the position she holds.  

And how does this correlate to the realm of living in an enlightened state?  For all of the realities we face in life, there remains the ignition of passion and unconditional love.  Living in a state of love and understanding for the roles we all play together in this creation is a major component to it.  And having an acceptance of the diversity in all ways we can enjoy the quest to experience what pure passion is.

Coming to a place of surrender is a must to remaining in this blissful realm. To completely allow and detach knowing that all is as it is meant to be and to continue to breathe in the ecstasy of it all. 

Use your passion in everything you do...with love and trust!

And here's a word of widom to all the drones out there!!!


Heartache & Enlightenment

"There are some life experiences that leave us with a raw sense of self, love and devotion....sometimes it can leave us with a hole in the heart so enormous the universe can slide right in." - OJO

Heartache can be used as a method of opening the heart in what I have come to know as a bare-ass exclusive pain that opens the soul to a whole new level of truth and inner reflection -  we are stripped down to nothing. We are raw and open to the experiences that await us, to begin again and learn with a wiser heart. 

The pain that is felt so tremendously is simply the other side of the love we have, both are felt equally.  Using this energy of love now becomes the task at hand.  This intense energy of pain-love is the instrument we are given to repair and re-create a new love story, with a better knowing of what we want to give and receive with another.  

Here is our opportunity to fill the void, to fit in all the aspects of life that bring us joy and love.  To be free, to create artistically, to write, to sing, to dance, to be back to a sense of child-like fun, to live with the wind at your back! 

Life will always take unexpected turns, some more extreme than others, some even fatal.  Getting back up and living the journey is when the hands of love lift us from the ashes and we rise as the Phoenix to a new horizon.  We are given a new road to travel and with an expanded heart we share the highway of knowledge with those we are yet to encounter.  We have learned the art of of an enlightened heart!

Lean Hard - Love Hard 

The adventure begins in love & trust!