"A gypsy resides within the walls of an overgrown mansion overlooking the distant sea ....a crow flies by and the joker laughs on the wind. The roar of thunder echoes from beyond, and both the gypsy and the joker are one" OJO
Where does it begin? I have not written a Blog Post for 18 months.....quite literally - WTF?
I have had inclinations and ideas and yet the priority of this slipped through time. So many events have occurred in life and lessons learned and taught. There is no turning back and there are no regrets, all encounters are accepted on the journey with respect and integrity.
I guess the Phoenix had to stay in the fire a little longer to truly arise in full splendor from the ashes and darkness......sometimes we all need to retreat into a cocoon period and rise up into our total presence.
And with emergence, a Betty Boop state of mind can come with it..... to be free to laugh and play and travel on the wings of spirit.
It is from this state of freedom that a stillness becomes possible, growth is inevitable from this centre point.. As with all encounters of time and evolution, our outlooks and opinions change. We become altered through environment, people and experiences.
As we travel one step closer, one leap closer, we have one more mountain to climb and one more horizon is always past the next turn. We evolve with wisdom and clarity to see beyond the peripheral vision. To trust our instinct and know it resides in that freedom and stillness.
The Gypsy and the Joker are to unite.....
The gypsy becomes a queen and the joker becomes a king, the road they travel is shared in a parallel matrix and a realization that one is the other, and vice versa, becomes more vivid on the journey though every turn. Their interconnection is one, no matter of sex or creed the union is formed. Balance from within is the core essence of their bond and either can play the role of joker, king, gypsy or queen.
And as the story goes.....
The Queen of The Castle soars with the King of Ravens on the Highways of Destiny..... as the echoes of rolling thunder vibrate their souls they travel together, on an iron horse, down the roadways and dirt trails of their hearts!!!
Ride On - Love On
Route Seven....always worth it! |